Srovnání používání strategií učení cizímu jazyku u studentů osmiletých a čtyřletých gymnáziích

Title in English The comparison of foreign language strategy use at upper secondary school level

VLČKOVÁ Kateřina

Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pedagogická orientace
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords learning strategies; upper secondary comprehensive education; foreign language
Description A specific research on the competency to learn a foreign language with particular focus on learning strategies (as stated in the Framework Education Programme for Grammar Schools 2007) was conducted at 13 grammar schools in Brno. Differences in the use of strategies, factors influencing the use of strategies (gender, motivation, self-confidence and others) and factors influenced by the use of learning strategies (proficiency level, development of language competencies or school notes) are described. No systematic differences between the two educational programmes of grammar schools (8-year study and 4-year study) were found. The only differences found were those between particular schools. There was no benefit in the development of learning strategies in studying longer at the upper secondary comprehensive grammar schools in comparison to the traditionally later start of this selective education.
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