Use of foreign language learning strategies at upper secondary comprehensive schools in the Czech Republic


VLČKOVÁ Kateřina

Year of publication 2009
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The use and effectiveness of foreign language learning strategies (FLLS) was assessed by SILL inventory constructed on the basis of Oxford FLLS taxonomy (1990) at the upper secondary comprehensive school in the Czech Republic. The article describes using of 85 strategies - direct (memory strategies, cognitive, compensation strategies) and indirect strategies (metacognitive, affective, social). The strategies were used at average only seldom. 40% of the strategies are not used at all, 85% are used not enough. Direct strategies were significantly more used than indirect strategies. The significantly most used group were compensatory strategies, the at least used were affective and memory strategies. From the 85 strategies only 46 was found to correlate with some of the indicators of learning effectiveness. In addition 87% of these 46 strategies are less used, whereas even 26% from these 46 strategies are seldom or never used. The most effective group was cognitive strategies.
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