Acid-base reactions of karst soils in dependence on vegetation type

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Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Slovenský kras (Acta Carsologica Slovaca)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Geochemistry
Keywords acido-basic reaction; karst; soil; vegetation; pH; Moravian Karst
Description Three sites with a different type of vegetation (coniferous, deciduous and grass field) were chosen in the Moravian Karst for a study of soil acido-basic behavior. Six complete vertical soil profiles were taken, divided into individual samples and leached by distilled water and KCl solution. pH-values of the leachates was lowest near surface (A-horizon). The mean pH-values were 3.72 (KCl solutions), 4.67 (distilled water) in the soils under coniferous, 3.71 (KCl solutions), 5.05 (distilled water) in the soils under deciduous, and 6.62 (KCl solutions), 6.98 (distilled water) in the soils under grass fields. The low values suggest the presence of humic species (fu1vic acids). The differences in pH-values of the soils under coniferous and grass especially confirm significant effect of vegetation on acido-basic properties of karst soils.
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