Czech Robot: 1921 - 2011


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Title in English Check Robot: 1921 - 2011


Year of publication 2011
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The presentation is inspired by jubilee of ROBOT - the important figure and embodiment of technological progress narratives formulated during 20th and beginning of 21st century. In the year 2011 we will celebrate anniversary of 90 years from the first stage production of Karel Čapek’s play R.U.R., Rossum’s Universal Robots in which ROBOT got name/concept and was introduced to the world for very first time. I would like to present different embodiments of concept of ROBOT in my presentation. Special attention will be paid to a] stage productions of RUR around the world at the beginning of 20 century (1921 – 1925), with focus on staging of ROBOT-character, b] and metamorphosis of ROBOT in art in a second half of 20 century with accent to robotic performances and Czech robotic art.
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