Ke gramatické kategorii rodu českých oikonym typu "Olomouc" a "Jaroměřice"

Title in English Ad grammar category of the gender of the Czech oikonyma, type „Olomouc“ and „Jaroměřice“

TUŠKOVÁ Jana Marie

Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Vidy jazyka a jazykovedy. Na počesť Miloslavy Sokolovej
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords Czech language - proprium - oikonymum - onomastic grammar - types of declension
Attached files
Description The contribution deals with the development and current state of the grammar gender of the Czech oikonyma, type Olomouc and Jaroměřice. Results follow from evaluation of this matter in selected grammars of contemporary Czech and, in particular, from several-year research of SYN2005 corpus material. It is possible to say that the pressure of the apelative system, into which oikonyma are included within communication,causes that the Czech domestic oikonyma are gradually united, as to the gender, with similarly ended apelatives. Currently, fluctuation in gender (m/f) in standard Czech language appears only in a small group of Czech consonant-ended oikonyma, e.g. Aš, Unhošť, Zliv, Želiv.

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