Narušenie sociálnych väzieb ako príčina delikvencie adolescentov

Title in English Disruption of social bonds as a cause of delinquency of adolescents


Year of publication 2011
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Disrupted social bonds in adolescence have direct connection with the delinquency of young people. Adolescence is a period of stabilization of mental and physical development. There is a comprehensive transformation of personality in the physical, mental and social field. The main developmental task is to find and develop theirs own identity. During this period plays an important role family environment, its functional or dysfunctional form. The family has great influence on another person's life. The work devotes to social deviation, to defining deviance theories and to characteristics of juvenile delinquents. We describe work with problematic youth, we focus on social prevention and principles of work with young people. The objective of the work was to find out the connection between the delinquency of adolescents and disrupted social bonds, specially feeling of the absence of parental love and attention and to find out the main motives for the delinquency of adolescents. The work points out the friends as the most important factor of delinquency of adolescents and finally points out the fact the most of adolescents saw the same or similar deliquent behaviour in the family.
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