Vymezení klíčových konceptů pro zkoumání osvojených dovedností v biologii

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Title in English The delimitation of the key concepts for the investigation of acquired biological skills


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Kam směřuje současný pedagogický výzkum? Sborník příspěvků XVIII. celostátní konference ČAPV
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords biology; skills; pupils
Description The research field regarding to investigating of required skills in the didactics of biology is Explorer on very low level. On the basis of this fact it is necessary to find out, which skills are presented in pupils mind and which are problematic for pupils. But the first step has to be the concept skill to define in correct way. There is very amount of skills definition. Older definitions explained the skill as fill or partially automatic part of our activity. The newer ones explained the skill concept as an eligibility of pupil to make some concrete activity. On the basis of the content analysis is to suggest a system of biological skills, which will be divide into five groups on the basis of objectifying observation.
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