Web based dynamic modeling in school physics



Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (Proceedings of the ICL2011)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web Interactive Conference on Computer Aided Learning
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords dynamic modeling; web; physical model; graph
Description The contribution presents web based dynamic modeling in school physics developed by means of Hypertext Preprocessor PHP. By this approach we enable to understand various physical phenomena to students and at the same time to demonstrate the power of the dynamic modeling that is used mainly in technology and science. Dynamic modeling can be used to present to pupils results of examples they would not able to analytically calculate themselves. The creation models were initiated research focused on cross-curricular links in the FEP / SEP for school. That is why dynamic modeling is seen as a cross-curricular link of selected objects.

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