Deklinace českých oikonym ženského rodu - příspěvek k onomastické gramatice

Title in English Declension of Czech feminine oikonyms - contribution to onomastic grammar

TUŠKOVÁ Jana Marie

Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Jazykovedné štúdie XXIX. Život medzi apelatívami a propriami.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords Czech language - onomastics - oikonyms - declension - SYN2005
Attached files
Description This paper includes significant survey conclusions of declension of Czech feminine oikonyms. The conclusions are based on an extensive research of material within the SYN2005 corpus, which shows the usage of contemporary written Czech. When analyzing the material, particularly synchronous – communication and frequency aspects of declension of oikonyms were found.

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