Mapování drogové scény, aktivit a úrovně protidrogové prevence na Masarykově univerzitě

Title in English Mapping of the drug scene, activities and levels of drug prevention at the Masaryk University


Year of publication 2011
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The content of the book is description and analysis of the drug scene, attitudes and opinions of students on preventive activities at Masaryk University. It gives an overview of basic terms and phenomena of the addictology, formation and development of drug addiction, characterized by increasingly abused addictive substances, pathological gambling notes and new forms of addictive behavior (internet, computer, mobile phone). It also deals with the prevention of addiction, its types and possibilities of application in family and school environment, inform the monitoring of the situation in the use of addictive substances in the world, in Europe, in the Czech Republic and university students. The book presents 3 of the results quantitatively oriented research mapping the students' own experience, attendance of all faculties with the nature of drug substances, the behavior of dependency and addiction prevention. In the discussion there are a series of domestic and foreign studies, which relate to the issue of addiction.
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