Problémový žák - žák s problémem? Sonda do sociálních reprezentací studujících učitelství

Title in English Problem pupil – pupil with problem? A probe into the social representations of student teachers


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Kvalitativní přístup a metody ve vědách o člověku X. Vybrané aspekty teorie a praxe.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Psychology
Keywords Problem pupil; labelling; social representations; construction of meaning; systemic and narrative approach
Description This article outlines the current understanding of concept “problem pupil” and places it in the context of the normative pedagogical and psychological paradigm in the approach to those educated at schools. A narrative approach (the externalisation of the issue) is applied to re-conceptualise the concept of the “problem pupil”. Social representations among student teachers in year one (N72) are mapped out by means of a thematic analysis of free associations on the concepts of “problem pupil” and “pupil with problem”.

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