Srovnání osobností politických značek ČSSD, ODS a lídrů těchto stran


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Title in English Comparison of the Political Brand Personalities of the Czech Social Democratic Party, the Civic Democratic Party and Their Leaders


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociální studia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Political sciences
Keywords political marketing; branding; brand; brand personality; leader; ODS; ČSSD
Description Branding has recently become one of the most popular tools used by political marketers. In addition to its practical use, the branding approach to political marketing also offers new possibilities to political scientists researching how political brands are perceived by voters. One such tool is the concept of brand personality. This paper uses the brand personality concept to compare the brand personalities of the two main Czech political parties – the Czech Social Democratic Party and the Civic Democratic Party – and their leaders. To do so, it uses Jennifer Aaker’s five-dimensional brand personality scale modified to for use on political brands and within the Czech political environment.
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