Mehrsprachigkeit in den Gesetzen, der Forschung und den Köpfen der tschechischen LernerInnen - Konsequenzen für das Tertiärsprachenlernen

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Title in English Multilingualism in the laws, research, and the heads of the Czech learners - consequences for the tertiary language learning


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Lingua viva
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords multilingualism; tertiary language didactics; motivation
Description The science report represents the first results of three research studies aimed at identifying Czech pupils motivation to learn foreign languages, their subjective perception of German as a foreign language learning and use of lexical strategies in the context of multilingualism. The results show that multilingualism is becoming a reality in the Czech school. In order to successfully apply the concept of multilingualism, it needs support from the Czech educational policy and relevant methodological and didactic training in Tertiary Education, which is discussed in the study. This paper deals also with some aspects of the concept of multilingualism and its methods of implementation in the Czech educational programs in the concept of tertiary language didactics (didactics of multilingualism).
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