Příklady zásahů do studentova pojetí výuky výtvarné výchovy v primárním vzdělávání

Title in English Examples of interventions to the student’s conception of Art Education in Primary school


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Učitelovo myslenie a uvažovanie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords Art Education; students conception of Arts; professional training; research; intervention; experience; adventure
Description The paper presents examples of interventions, which lead to a change of students conception of Arts. They respond to results of a research, especially effects, which are the inconsistence of actual goals of Arts in primary school. They focus on the content of Art disciplines and also on the form of how the classwork proceeds. They offer the space for creative accesses and the most important thing is to gain new knowledge and experience, which can influence relationship of students toward Art and conception of classwork of Art Education.
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