Hudba v kontextu multimédií


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Music in the multimedia context


Year of publication 2011
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Multimedia in the history of art can be understood either as a recursive concept, or as a continuous line of development of complex forms, which emerges to and disappears from the dominant discourse alternately in different historical periods. A prime example of multimedia is the concept of ancient drama. This concept appears in the late Renaissance to help create the baroque opera, and 250 years later it appears in Richard Wagner's argumentation which justifies the idea of Gesamtkunstwerk (total work of art). Again, some 150 years later comes a resurrecion of these ideas in the field of new (digital) media and influenial authors of key publicaions on this issue depend on the concept of mulimedia sketched by R. Wagner. A whole group of quesions are raised in connecion with the idea of multimedia in art that we should try to answer. For example, how the complex form influences the individual consituent components? Is there a strengthening or weakening effect of the whole on individual components? One of the most peculiar quesions is why multimedia should represent an aesthetic problem? Compound forms of expression are for a human – for that multisensory and multimodal biological system – yet completely natural. So the quesion is exactly the opposite: Whether and under what conditions the isolated media are actually possible?
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