Project information
Individualization of life-style in environmental view
- Project Identification
- GA403/07/0804
- Project Period
- 1/2007 - 12/2009
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
- Standard Projects
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Social Studies
- Keywords
- individualization, life-style, ecological sensibilty, communitarianism,
The project builds on previous research carried out by the project co-ordinator and on her publications focused
on environmentally friendly lifestyle. The question which has remained unanswered so far has been the
relationship and relevance of this minority phenomenon to the lifestyle of the majority, which is characterised
by a growing measure of individuation. Although individuation as a sociological subject has a long research
history and has been profusely featured in the current sociological literature, its environmental implications
remain obscure. Both the fragmentary allusions to the subject in the literature and plain logical thinking attest
to the importance of lifestyle individuation to environmental concerns. Many current sociological and
historiographical texts affirm, though only in passing, that lifestyle individuation (and perhaps also the
subjectivisation of attitudes) tends to sensitise individuals and whole societies towards nature. In contrast to
these views, many environmentally-orientated texts appear to see individualization as an environmentally risky
tendency (e.g. the growing indifference of people to conditions in their communities, wastefulness as
households get smaller). The project aims to explain these contradictory assertions and explore the wider
context of the individualization-environment interface from a sociological, economic and historical perspective.
The methods used will include sociological empirical research.
Total number of publications: 30
Reprezentace suburbanizace v populární kultuře
Year: 2011, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Tvorba práva: boj v právním poli a jeho aktéři.
Year: 2011, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Dewgrowth: are we exporting a western idea?
Year: 2010, type: Requested lectures
Individualizace v environmentální perspektivě: sociologické rámování mění pohled a plodí otázky
Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, year: 2010, volume: 46, edition: 1
Ansgar a problémy misií na evropském severu
Kresťanstvo v časoch sv. Vojtecha, year: 2009
Čtyři dimenze individualizmu v environmentální perspektivě
Sociální studia, year: 2009, volume: 6, edition: 3
Individualizace, individualismus a environmentální témata v sociologické a environmentalistické literatuře.
Sociální studia, year: 2009, volume: 6, edition: 3
Protipřírodní subkultura: plod civilizace, ideová opozice, estetická póza
Krása, krajina, příroda I., edition: První vydání, year: 2009, number of pages: 8 s.
Spotřeba domácností a proces individualizace v environmentální perspektivě
Sociální studia, year: 2009, volume: 6, edition: 3
Towards an eco-social enterprise
Third Sector and Sustainable Social Change: New Frontiers for Research. Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, July 9 -12, 2008. ISTR 8th International Conference and 2nd EMES-ISTR European Conference. ISTR Conference Working Papers, Vol. VI., year: 2009