Project information
Spatiotemporal biodiversity dynamics in ecosystems of Central Europe
- Project Identification
- MSM 143100010
- Project Period
- 1/1999 - 12/2004
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- Research Intents
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Science
- Keywords
- Algae;Aquatic ecosystem;Biodiversity;Biosystematics;Community;Ecology;Higher plants;Host parasite systems;Hydrobiology;Insects;Modelling;Monitoring;Pollinators;Population;Small mammals;Spirochaete;Terrestrial ecosystem;Transmittion
Total number of publications: 713
Distribuce a lokalizace glochidií na rybích hostitelích
Helminthologia, year: 1999
Distribution of glochidial larval stages of uniocean mussels (Mollusca: Unionidae) within the populations of host fishes.
Books of abstracts of the 5th International Symposium on Fish Parasites, year: 1999
Drobní zemní savci na území CHKO Poodří
Poodří. Současné výsledky výzkumu v Chráněné krajinné oblasti Poodří, year: 1999
Aquatic Invertebrates of the Palava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO., year: 1999, number of pages: 5 s.
Diptera of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO, II., year: 1999, number of pages: 6 s.
Faunistic records from the Czech Republic. Plecoptera: Leuctridae.
Klapalekiana, year: 1999, volume: 35, edition: 1
Floristický příspěvek z Bukovských vrchů a Laborecké vrchoviny.
Bulletin Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti, year: 1999, volume: 21, edition: 1
Aquatic Invertebrates of the Palava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO., year: 1999, number of pages: 2 s.
Gynandry in Hokkaidocephala Tenora, Gulyaev, Kamiya, 1999 (Anoplocephalidae, Cestoda) parasitizing Rodentia in Japan
Helminthologia, year: 1999, volume: 36, edition: 4
Diptera of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO, II., year: 1999, number of pages: 4 s.