Project information
Digitální Amslerova mřížka. Software pro hodnocení metamorfopsií, astigmatismu a zklenutí zorného pole. (DCHART)


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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2020 - 12/2020
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Masaryk University
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Medicine
Project Website
D Chart, M-score, Amsler grid, ARMD, spectacle correction, cylinder

Metamorphopsia is important symptom of macular disease. The most common simple detection method of metamorphopsia is Amsler grid. Usually it is used monocularly with best correction for near. Patient should evaluate grid deformation a describe position of the deformity. This method is based on qualitative principle. For quantitative evaluation we can use Software D Chart (Thomson Software Solution). This instrument enables evaluate degree and position of the metamorphopsia in central visual field. Our goal was to establish M-score values in group of young healthy subjects without correction, with cylindrical spectacle lens and in group of patients with age related degeneration.


We note total M-score in right eye of all probands. Natural M-score values for young probands was: median 0, minimum 0, maximum 2.3. With cylindrical lens we got these values: median 25.2, minimum 3.6, maximum 41.6. In second sample with probands suffer from ARMD we got these values: median 0.8, minimum 0, maximum 29.4. Wilcoxon non-parametric test was used for statistical evaluation. We proved statistically significant difference between all variables. M-score natural vs. M-score SL showed p < 0.001, M-score natural vs. M-score ARMD showed p = 0.04 and M-score SL vs. M-score ARMD showed p < 0.001.


Total number of publications: 5

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