Project information
Regional Forms of Geographical Names in the Present Teenage Speech

Project Identification
Project Period
1/2009 - 12/2009
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Masaryk University
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Education
Language investigation, czech language, morphology, geographical names, regional forms, frequency, teenage speech

Object of this project is to support collective investigative activity made by academic employees and students of the czech language catedra. Investigation is intent on problematic of development of regional forms of geographical names in the present teenage speech - secondary schools and 2nd degree of primary schools pupils. We suppose the collective presentation of investigation results at the international science conferention and its publication in the memorial volume.


The project has brought conclusions from research of the current state of declension concerning regional geographical names ending in (ov)ice used by the young in Zlín and South Moravia regions. It enabled the introduction of the conclusions at an international conference and their publishing in an anthology.
Published in IS MU:

  • Participation at a conference: under the title Forms of regional geographical names ending in (ov)ice used by the young today
  • Article in an anthology: under the title Forms of regional geographical names ending in -(ov)ice used by the young today (This will be placed there after the anthology has been issued).


Total number of publications: 2

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