Public Sector Dynamics in Central and Eastern Europe.

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NEMEC Juraj DE VRIES Michiel S.

Rok publikování 2012
Druh Editorství odborné knihy
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Ekonomicko-správní fakulta

Popis This book is full of critical essays and studies arguing that during the last twenty years contrary trends are visible. This is especially the case for intergovernmental relations. From the NPM idea that decentralisation of tasks and authority is optimal, one would expect a general trend towards decentralisation in which more autonomy, responsibilities and authority is transferred to local governments. Especially because the context in which the transformation took place in the CEE region was characterised by huge dynamics and uncertainty and the literature on organisational design has taught that such a contingency structure asks for flexible, decentralised organisational structures. However, as the investigations in several chapters of this book argue, such a transfer of powers from general to local government is often temporary, and can be reversed in the opposite direction (as in Hungary today). When there is a tradition of centralised state control, it is not self-evident that decentralisation will be preferred by governments.
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