Everyday life in Czech elementary minority school in the First Czechoslovak Republic in 1918-1938

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Rok publikování 2013
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis The minority schools can be seen as one of the elements of the structure of national minorities before the First World War and in the interwar period in years 1918-1939. Author wants to introduce the Czech minority schools, which were founded in linguistically mixed regions of The First Czechoslovak Republic (1918-1938), especially in Czech-German districts. Why in Czech-German districts? The German population consisted of 30% of the total population of The First Czechoslovak Republic. The research can thus contribute not only to solution of the problems of minority schools, but also to Czech-German relationships, which is still very "hot" topic today in Central Europe, if we look at almost seventy years-long debate on the Beneš Decrees or compensation forced labor during World War II. Author concentrates on the one of the parts of complex question of minority schools in the text. Author is interested only in the Czech elementary minority school (ISCED 1) in judicial district Ústí nad Labem. This district is situated in North Bohemia, which was settled mainly by German population in the years 1918-1938. Main objective of this article is to identify, understand and interpret the everyday life of the Czech elementary minority schools during the period of the first Czechoslovak Republic in a broader social context. The key research question is how did the everyday life of Czech elementary minority school in the district Ústí nad Labem in years 1918-1938 look like? Based on the main question author also formulated a more specific questions. These were particularly focused on, what school building facilities should be available? What was the internal organization of the school? Where did the schooling take place? How way did the schooling take place? What was the composition of school subjects?
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