Metóda "minimálnej hodnoty" pre hodnotenie výdajov obcí na komunálne odpady


Publikace nespadá pod Pedagogickou fakultu, ale pod Ekonomicko-správní fakultu. Oficiální stránka publikace je na webu


Rok publikování 2013
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Odpadové fórum - Odborný měsíčník o v šem,co souvisí s odpady
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Ekonomicko-správní fakulta

Obor Řízení, správa a administrativa
Klíčová slova municipal waste management; current expenditures; efficiency
Popis Paper presents a method of decomposition of current municipal expenditures on solid waste and by using relevant input data constructs a "minimal value" of expenditures per one municipal waste ton. Municipality can, after inserting its individual parameters, use this method for obtaining theoretical minimal costs per unit of solid waste ton that reflects characteristics of municipality (for instance size, amount of generated solid waste, distance between municipality and waste treatment facility, or rates for treatment). Calculated values have been compared with real expenditures of selected 22 Czech municipalities. Municipalities can use this method for instance for evaluating their position considering their actual and calculated expenditures, or as a supporting argument for lower rates when negotiating prices of municipal solid waste management with waste collecting company.
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