What Is the Goal of Reflection in Teacher Education: Social Justice or Personal Development?

Název česky Jaký je cíl reflexe ve vzdělávání učitelů: sociální spravedlnost nebo osobnostní rozvoj?


Rok publikování 2014
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

Popis The paper deals with the nature of reflective thinking in the teaching profession and in teacher training. Attention is paid to categorial frameworks through which reflection can be conceptualised, studied and evaluated. Concrete examples illustrate the way various authors’ educational premises and goals are projected into reflective frameworks. Internal and external content dimensions, which are understood as opposing poles of a single continuum, are identified across selected reflective frameworks. As far as teacher training is concerned, one pole of the continuum represents the issue of social justice and the other the topic of teacher personal development. The text proposes that, in teachers’ professional activity and therefore also in teacher training, it is desirable to take both content dimensions of reflection into account. The paper concludes with projecting this proposal into the shape of its own reflective thinking framework

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