Pohĺad detí z výchovných ústavov a nízkoprahových klubov na intervenčný proces

Název česky Pohled dětí z výchovných ústavů a nízkoprahových klubů na intervenční proces


Rok publikování 2014
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

Popis This chapter deals with the intervention process related to the situation of "problem children" (with behavioural problem or disorder). The chapter is based on the results of a research, which focused on the intervention process in relation to the situation of the children and young people with behavioural disorder in two different kinds of environment – educational institutions and low-threshold clubs. At the core of the research was the question how these children and the young people perceive the intervention process, environment and staff, and thus to which extent they are open to the intervention process and willing to make some change. The researched sample consisted of children and young people from educational institutions and low-threshold clubs.
Související projekty:

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