Coping strategies preferred by adolescents when managing stress in sport


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Rok publikování 2016
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis The primary purpose of the study was to map the occurrence of possible overtraining in athletes in the developmental period of adolescence in the Czech socio-cultural environment and to explore possible connections between the perceived level of training strain and preferred coping strategies, or to verify if this relationship exists. In this context, we have attempted to verify if there is a relationship between the level of perceived strain and intensity of training preparation and if there is possibly also a gender difference in the degree of perceived training strain. The secondary aim of the research was to verify the basic psychometric qualities of the Czech shortened version of Profile of Mood States and the proposed Czech translation of Training Distress Scale, where the psychometric methods are not of Czech origin. The Czech shortened version of the POMS questionnaire was only used on Czech population once in a research study of university students (Stuchlíková et al., 2005), not of adolescents, and the TDS questionnaire method presented for the purpose of this study does not still have an appropriate equivalent among Czech methods.
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