Deriving Blansitt's generalization by overlapping decomposition

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Název česky Jak odvodit Blansittovu generalizaci z překrývací dekompozice

CAHA Pavel

Rok publikování 2017
Druh Vyžádané přednášky
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis In this paper, I provide a Nanosyntactic account for the so-called Blansitt’s generalization (Blansitt 1988). The generalization says that in the linear sequence dative-allative-locative, only adjacent functions may be marked the same. In previous work, such patterns have been taken as one of the hallmarks of feature cumulation. However, Blansitt observes that in the case of datives, allatives and locatives, the allative (which is in the middle) tends to be composed of the dative and the locative, so the classical account does not work. The present paper thus argues for a different representation of the underlying categories, namely as containing (abstractly) the features A, AB and B respectively. I refer to this as the „overlapping“ decomposition.
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