Integrating physical education and geography in the intended curriculum: Case study of the Czech Republic and the Republic of Slovenia

Název česky Integrace tělesné výchovy a geografie v projektovaném - případová studie České republiky a Slovinska

VLČEK Petr VRBAS Jaroslav

Rok publikování 2018
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Changes in Childhood and Adolescence: Current Challenges for Physical Education, Proceedings of the 12th FIEP EUROPEAN CONGRESS
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

Klíčová slova Physical Education; Geography; curriculum; cross-curricular interdisciplinarity; integration
Popis This paper aims to address the lack of international knowledge and research in interdisciplinary teaching and curriculum development, especially when it comes to the subjects of Physical Education and Geography. The authors analyse and compare elementary school curricular documents from two countries, the Czech Republic and the Republic of Slovenia, to reveal how integration of Physical Education and Geography is embedded at the policy level in the selected countries.
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