Corpus linguistiques et corpus filmiques en classe de FLE


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Název česky Lingvistické a filmové korpusy ve výuce francouzštiny


Rok publikování 2021
Druh Vyžádané přednášky
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis For university-level French courses, film dialogues featuring the speech patterns of young French people are an essential source of evidence of the lexical innovations that are being disseminated to younger generations, as scriptwriters often allow young actors the freedom to modify the dialogues lexically in order to update the narrative. Making students aware of how to identify these elements in films is a key challenge for teachers, since it is a matter of strengthening students' motivation through materials and themes that arouse their curiosity. The latter emerges from the natural need of learners to be interested in the language of their peers in France or in other French-speaking countries. The aim of this conference was to show the usefulness of combining different types of approaches for students of French as a foreign language in order to gather information on unknown slang lexemes (level of diffusion, expressive force, graphemes, meaning): filmic corpora allowing to know the communication situations and linguistic corpora allowing to verify the hypotheses at the statistical level.

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