Die Sprache, die die Sprache spricht. Reiner Kunzes Werk als sprach- und literaturdidaktischer Impuls für Lernende des Deutschen als Fremd- und Zweitsprache


KÖCK Johannes Benjamin TRNA Jan JANÍKOVÁ Věra DOBSTADT Michael VÁZQUEZ Valeria

Rok publikování 2024
Druh Odborná kniha
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

Popis Reiner Kunze (*1933) is a poet, novelist, translator, essayist, children's book author, and photographer. A constant theme in his versatile artistic output is his engagement with language, and his stance is that of a responsible guardian. The tension between preserving linguistic traditions and acknowledging continuous development and change is revealed, not least, in language teaching. This volume honors Kunze's literary work and his efforts concerning The Language That Speaks the Language, approaching it from the perspective of the field of German as a Foreign and Second Language (DaF/DaZ). The contributors examine Kunze's role as a literary mediator and his relationship to the former GDR, Czechoslovakia, and the Czech Republic from various content-related, didactic, and geographical perspectives. They offer concrete suggestions and examples for DaF and DaZ instruction that bring Kunze's poetry to life and make it usable for language learning. An interview with him concludes the volume.

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