Technolitologie, současnost a perspektiva

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Rok publikování 2007
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Acta geologica Universitatis Comenianae
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Obor Geologie a mineralogie
Klíčová slova Technolithology; technolithe; structure; microstructure; building material engíneering
Popis Technolithes are both monomineral and polymineral matters. They have different technogenesis and age, structure and microstructure, mineral composition, physical and chemical characteristics. Among the minerals of technolithes there exist primary, secondary, stable, metastable and unstable minerals. From the mineralogical point of view they correspond to different mineral classes. Minerals of technolithes are not listed in Strunz mineralogical system and classic mineralogists do not consider them to be the minerals because of their genesis, ability to create so-called solid solutions and also because some of them have not natural equivalents. Article offers overview of present-day trends and methodologies used in research of technolithes. It discusses competence and advantages of interdisciplinary research and indicates perspective trend of mineralogy and petrology, concentrated on the study of technolithes with narrower orientation to material engineering.
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