Comment les différents types de corpus linguistiques éclairent (ou non) les différents types du lexique substandard : analyse contrastive à partir du vocabulaire de la comédie « Les Kaïra », exemple typique du genre filmique dit « de banlieue »


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Title in English How different types of linguistic corpora shed light (or not) on various categories of substandard lexicon: contrastive analysis of vocabulary in the comedy Les Kaira [Porn in the hood], a typical example of the hood film genre


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Jazykovedný časopis
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Keywords substandard verbs; French; neology; film dialogues; corpus linguistics; hood films
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Description The arrival of WaC corpora, including Aranea family corpora, with its “close-to-spoken language” writings from different non-formal web pages brought the new options to researchers of sociolects, mainly to those who were previously obliged to observe youth collectives in its spontaneous discourses with its consequent time-consuming transcripts. Non-spontaneous spoken language from rap songs or youth film dialogues also help researchers to describe the level of societal diffusion of some typical features of youth slang. In this paper, we focus on demonstration of these crossed approaches in order to describe three types of verbs, used in a successful comedy about Parisian peri-urban post-adolescents Les Kaira (2012), representing different types of substandard lexicon.
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