(Post)Doctoral School of the Faculty of Education Masaryk University
Join a learning community of early-stage researchers (doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers). Choose from activities carefully selected just for you.
Who for? A community for itself
The target group is early-stage researchers (doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers), whom we want to support in their study and research activities and in their networking and communication. This means doctoral students and postdocs, i.e. researchers with a recent doctoral degree. For researchers at the beginning of their academic career, we want to provide the appropriate support in the transition to independent research. Nor do we overlook senior researchers, as we want to connect the scientific community not only across disciplines but also across the phases of an academic’s career.
Get involved. You are not alone in your studies.
The professor, alone with his machine and a glass of wine, in the gloom of a smoky café. Hardly anything could be further from the truth. Knowledge is the result of a joint effort.
Across disciplines
The activities are intended for those interested across doctoral degree programmes and their interdisciplinary overlap appropriately complements and develops the curriculum of individual doctoral degree programmes at the FEdu MU.
Under the auspices of the Vice-Dean
(Post)doktorandská škola je realizována pod odborným vedením proděkana pro výzkum a akademické záležitosti, prof. Tomáše Janíka, aktivity na podporu začínajících výzkumníků na fakultě ve stěžejních oblastech pro jejich kariérní, profesní a osobnostní rozvoj.
The (Post)Doctoral School is implemented under the expert guidance of the Vice-Dean for Research and Academic Affairs, Prof. Tomáš Janík.
prof. PhDr. Tomáš Janík, Ph.D., M.Ed.
Vice-dean for research and academic affairs, Faculty of Education
From the charter to the specific needs of students
The specific task of the (Post)Doctoral School is to design the appropriate tools and activities to support you, the early-stage researchers, following on from empirical investigations, analyses of relevant documents, the requirements of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. We start from your needs and reflect the requirements related to your professional transition towards independent scientific work.
Inspiration from successful workplaces
We are inspired by the approaches of other European universities to doctoral education, especially in developing the concept of doctoral schools, such as the Doctoral School at the Faculty of Education of Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica (Slovakia) and Graduiertenschule Universität Hamburg, Fakultät der Erziehungswissenschaften (Germany). When designing the (Post)Doctoral School, we take into account the offer of existing development activities at the university-wide level at the MUNI PhD Academia organised by the RMU Research & Development Office, the offer of other faculties and research institutions within the university (e.g. CEITEC) and try to build on them.
To improve the conditions for successful doctoral studies in the Czech Republic
The development of support activities for doctoral students in the form of “doctoral schools” as a tool to increase the efficiency and quality of studies is one of the priorities of the Strategic Plan of the Ministry for Higher Education for the period from 2021.
HR Excellence in Research Award
The implementation of the (Post)Doctoral School is part of the implementation of the Faculty’s HRS4R strategy in relation to the HR Excellence in Research Award.
Doctoral programmes at the Faculty of Education are continuously improving
The quality of doctoral studies is decided on the spot, so we are looking for ways to improve it directly at the Faculty. This is shown by the material that has been submitted for wider discussion.
Developing the school together
The design of the school is based on a survey of the needs of early-stage researchers at FEdu, but we continue to collect suggestions and feedback. What should we include in the school? What are you think is missing? What could we improve?
Write to us. We are listening!
Mgr. Jana Veličková, Ph.D.
HR Award specialist for (Post)Doctoral school
phone: | +420 549 49 8403 |
e‑mail: |
We provide and share information
As part of the (Post)Doctoral School, we also take care to share information about what is happening in the scientific community, invite people to interesting meetings, promote lectures and conferences, advertise positions and other opportunities for collaboration. Information sharing takes place in the form of regular mass emails to doctoral students, in the activities and invitations section of the doctoral studies section of the Faculty website, on the Facebook page of the (Post)Doctoral School and, of course, here on the website.
We support the community of doctoral students at the Faculty
We organise Doktorandění (Doctoral Dating) – socialising for doctoral students studying at the Faculty of Education MU.
Each semester, approximately five workshops are offered on various topics, led by expert researchers from the Faculty of Education, other faculties of the University, or from other Czech and foreign universities. The workshops are held in person at CVIDOS or online in the MS Teams environment. The workshops are mainly held in Czech.
On 7–9 October 2022, an intensive methodology weekend for doctoral students from our Faculty will take place for the first time. The focus will be on aspects of qualitative research design.
Winter term 2022 Summer term 2022 Winter term 2021 Summer term 2021 Winter term 2020 Summer term 2020 Winter term 2019 Summer term 2019 Winter term 2018
Registration form for the workshops
The conference of doctoral students of the Faculty of Education MU is traditionally held once a year, always in the autumn semester. It is an opportunity for students across programmes and years to meet and hear what their colleagues are working on in their dissertation research. It always provides a space for discussion with experienced researchers who also attend the conference. The presenters are nominated to the conference by the chairs of the doctoral boards of each doctoral programme. In this academic year, the conference will be held on 8 December 2022.
Conference programme in 2021 Conference programme in 2020
An integral part of the (Post)Doctoral School are also requested lectures by local and foreign researchers. Thanks to this opportunity, (not only) early-stage researchers have the chance to meet prominent experts in their field and possibly make contact for the purpose of receiving consultation on their dissertation research. The lectures are mainly held in Czech.
On 6 October 2022, the third year of the FEdu MU Doctoral Day will be held for both current doctoral students and those interested in doctoral studies at the FEdu MU. The aim of the informative meeting will be to introduce the concept of doctoral studies at the Faculty of Education MU and to provide more information on the requirements of the admission procedure, the offer of scholarship programmes and stays abroad, library services for doctoral students and the offer of the Faculty development activities for doctoral students within the (Post)Doctoral School. The event will be held in Czech.
The event is part of the university-wide event MU Doctoral Day organised by the MU Rector’s Office, which consists of a faculty part, including specific information, and a university-wide part, which targets doctoral students and candidates interested in doctoral studies across the University.
English for Academic Purposes course
During the HR Award survey, the doctoral students asked for more support in the area of developing foreign language competences, specifically academic English. Following this finding, cooperation with the Centre for Language Education at the FEdu MU was deepened and in the autumn semester 2020, a regular in-person course in English for Academic Purposes at C1 level was made available to all doctoral students at the Faculty. Registration takes place via the information system (the name and code of the course varies according to the doctoral student’s field of study). We also run a semester-long blended-learning course in academic writing in English once every two years. The first year was held in the autumn 2020 and the second year of the course is scheduled for the upcoming autumn semester 2022.
These activities are supported by the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education in frame of the project “Development of Human Resources and other strategic areas to support research at MU (HR4MUII)“, nr. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_054/0014703.