Important references:
Enrolment in the following semester applies
for both full–time and combined mode of study:
- An electronic request for enrolment in the following semester can only be filed in a certain period, see the Schedule.
- If you do not file the request for enrolment in a higher semester, it will be understood that you are not interested in further study and your study will be terminated!
- Filing this request IS NOT dependent on registration and enrolment in courses in the semester!
- Students accepted in the academic year into the 1st semester of the 1st year are enroled in the autumn semester by the Study Department while being enrolled personally in their study. The electronic request is thus first filed by students at the end of the autumn semester – they apply electronically for enrolment in the spring (i.e. 2nd) semester.
Instruction about the procedure of application for enrolment in the following semester:
IS --> Personal administration --> Student --> Application for enrolment in the semester (the appropriate period must be selected on the top right)
The Study Department updates the information about the studied semester to students who filed the application and meet the criteria for enrolment in the next semester (in accordance with Art. 12 of SZŘ MU). Only after this administrative modification is it possible to issue a confirmation of study and a revalidation stamp for the ISIC card.