Insights into the Primary School Transition : A Czech Republic Kindergarten Teachers' Perspective

Název česky Pohled na přechod do základní školy z perspektivy českých učitelek mateřských škol


Rok publikování 2024
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

Citace HORČIČKA, Tomáš. Insights into the Primary School Transition : A Czech Republic Kindergarten Teachers' Perspective. In SIG 11 & 12 Conference 2024. 2024.
Popis The period of transition to primary school represents one of the first significant changes in a child's life. In the Czech Republic, the form and organization of transition are not defined by curriculum documents. School change relates to difficulties that affect pupils' future education (Carida, 2011). Studies highlight differences between educational levels and perceived discontinuity, in particular the different organizations (Nicholson, 2018), the more rigorous primary school environment (Einarsdottir, 2010), and pupils' particular stress and adaptation factors (Correia & Marques-Pinto, 2016). This presentation shares the experiences of pre-primary teachers from a small region in the Czech Republic. The study loosely follows findings from a national quantitative survey conducted by the Czech School Inspectorate (2022), which lists specific activities that facilitate children's smooth transition to primary school. This presentation draws on the results of a qualitative study that offers the perspectives and experiences of pre-primary teachers (n=15) in the selected region related to the organization of transition in their schools. Interviews with teachers focused on the importance of transition for future pupils, other transition participants, and their support for ensuring a smooth transition. The results of this study show the different perspectives on the organization of transition, the different degrees of cooperation between kindergarten and primary school, and a detailed insight into the experience of transition to primary school. The main finding of the study is the perceived discontinuity between the two educational levels, which also corresponds with the mentioned studies.
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