PhDr. Mgr. Dana Zámečníková, Ph.D.

Assistant professor, Department of Special and Inclusive Education

correspondence Address:
Poříčí 623/7, 603 00 Brno

office: bldg. A/3011
Poříčí 945/9
603 00 Brno

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Curriculum Vitae

Person-Related Identification Information
  • Dana Zámečníková
  • Masaryk University, Faculty of Education, Department of Special and Inclusive Education
Employment - Position
  • Assistant Professor
Education and Academic Qualifications
  • 2004: doctoral degree, Ph. D. dissertation on Aspects of Care, Education and Subsequent Employment of Persons with disability, doctoral degree 2003: rigorous exam, PhDr. degree conferred, rigorous thesis on Social intervention in education as a prerequisite for successful employment of people with disability in the labour market 2000: Master's degree, teacher training for primary schools, special pedagogy-technical education
  • since 2004 until now Faculty of Education, Masaryk University
Teaching Activities
  • Teaching subjects in Czech and English in the Bachelor's and follow-up Master's programme in Special Education, Primary Pedagogy and Pedagogical-Psychological Basis. Conducting reflective seminars on students' internships. Leading internships of students of special pedagogy. Supervisor of final theses of students of bachelor's, follow-up master's programmes and lifelong learning programmes. Member of examination boards of final state examinations of bachelor's, follow-up master's programmes and lifelong learning programmes.
Scientific and Research Activities
  • In my scientific research activities, I focus on intervention for people with disabilities with a focus on people with physical disabilities and disabilities; inclusive education of children with disabilities. Selected project activity: 2023: Erasmusproject partner:Developing a Higher Education Curriculum in SET Teaching for the Health Protection and Promotion of Intellectually Disabled Individuals. 2021: Project of the project Specific Research of the PdF MU: The importance of special education and the role of special educators from the perspective of parents 2016 - 2019: Project coordinator of the international project Erasmus, KA2:Sustainable learner-centred Teaching - Advanced Recourse for Georgia and China. 2014: Proejct coordinator of the Specific Research project of the PdF MU: Current Trends in the Conception and Implementation of Inclusive Education in the Czech Republic and at the PdF MU with Regard to Pupils with Special Education Needs
  • 2022: Italy, University of Bologna, educational internship to improve the preparation of future teachers. insko record of foreign trip is not completed 2019: Finland, Jyvaskyla, Institutional visit with the aim of mutual sharing of knowledge and experience between PdF MU and JAMK 2016: Portugal, Porto, EAPRIL 2016 conference (active participation). 2014: Turkey, Antalya, Conference: 5th International conference on new trends in education and their implications 2014. 2015: Erasmus mobility, Teacher ́s mobility, Ankara, Turkey 2006: Erasmus mobility: Härnösand, Sweden 2004: Erasmus mobility, Jyvaskyla, Finland.
University Activities
  • Guarantor of the study programme B-SPZP Member of the Programme Board Special Education Member of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Education MU
Activities Outside University
  • Member of the Somatopaedic Society
Awards Related to Science and Research
  • Dean's Award
Major Publications
  • OPATŘILOVÁ, Dagmar a Dana ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ. Metodika práce s třídním kolektivem v inkluzivní třídě se zaměřením na žáky s tělesným postižením. Metodická příručka. 1., elektronické vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2020, 268 s. ISBN 978-80-210-5578-0. Čítárna Munispace info
  • ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ, Dana. STAR project result and achievements. In Final dissemination conference. 2019. URL info
  • BYTEŠNÍKOVÁ, Ilona, Lenka DOLEŽALOVÁ, Ilona FIALOVÁ, Radka HORÁKOVÁ, Barbora CHLEBORADOVÁ, Veronika JÁNSKÁ, Petr KACHLÍK, Petr KOPEČNÝ, Michaela KRISTLOVÁ, Štěpánka LAUKOVÁ, Martina MALENOVÁ, Ivana MÁROVÁ, Jiří MARTINEC, Jarmila MÁTLOVÁ, Eva MATULOVÁ, Dagmar OPATŘILOVÁ, Kristýna PIPALOVÁ, Jarmila PIPEKOVÁ, Pavla PITNEROVÁ, Petra RÖDEROVÁ, Dita ŠIMÁČKOVÁ, Dagmar TRCHALÍKOVÁ, Mária VINDIŠOVÁ, Věra VOJTOVÁ a Dana ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ. Tady jsme! Kazuistické studie ve speciální pedagogice - speciální pedagog a jeho role. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2019, 258 s. ISBN 978-80-210-9562-5. info
  • ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ, Dana. Advanced Recourse for Georgia and China. In Interim dissemination conference. 2018. info
  • ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ, Dana, Ivana MÁROVÁ, Marie VÍTKOVÁ, Miroslava BARTOŇOVÁ, Tsvetelina HARAKCHIYSKA, Johnny BALTZERSEN, Teresa PESSOA a Nato CHIKHLADZE. Sustainable Learner-Centred Teaching - Advanced Resources for Georgia and China / STAR Project. Online. In L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres. ICERI2017 Proceedings. IATED, VALENICA, BURJASSOT 46100, SPAIN: IATED Academy, 2017, s. 7096-7101. ISBN 978-84-697-6957-7. URL info
  • ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ, Dana, Marie VÍTKOVÁ a Miroslava BARTOŇOVÁ. Inclusion as an interdisciplinary topic with a focus on supporting pupils with special educational needs at the secondary school in the Czech Republic. In EAPRIL 2016, conference. 2016. info
  • ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ, Dana. Conference EAPRIL 2016 Review Commitee. EAPRIL2016, 2016. info
  • ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ, Dana. Inclusive Approach to Special Needs Pupils. In Erasmus teachíng programme. 2015. info
  • ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ, Dana. Approaches to Inclusive Education in the Czech republic. In Erasmus teaching programme. 2015. info
  • ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ, Dana, Marie VÍTKOVÁ, Miroslava BARTOŇOVÁ, Barbora BOČKOVÁ, Ilona BYTEŠNÍKOVÁ, Daniela ĎÁSKOVÁ, Ilona FIALOVÁ, Radka HORÁKOVÁ, Tinatin CHITORELIDZE, Lenka GAJZLEROVÁ, Kateřina GRUBEROVÁ, Jana HRČOVÁ, Soňa CHALOUPKOVÁ, Godwin Jude Uchenna IROKABA, Nora JÁGEROVÁ, Kristýna KEHAROVÁ, Petr KOPEČNÝ, Ivana MÁROVÁ, Petra ODEHNALOVÁ, Dagmar OPATŘILOVÁ, Jarmila PIPEKOVÁ, Petra PISKOVÁ, Lucia PLEVOVÁ, Lucie PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Dagmar PŘINOSILOVÁ, Alena FRANKOVÁ, Lenka SLEPIČKOVÁ, Kateřina ŠIMČÍKOVÁ, Helena VAĎUROVÁ a Pavlína WINKLEROVÁ. Současné trendy v inkluzivním vzdělávání se zaměřením na žáky se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami v ČR a v zahraničí – teorie, výzkum, praxe. první. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, 367 s. ISBN 978-80-210-8098-0. info
  • ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ, Dana. Inclusive Education in the Czech Republic. In 5 th International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications. 2014. info
  • OPATŘILOVÁ, Dagmar a Dana ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ. Podpora rozvoje hybnosti osob s tělesným postižením. Online. 1. vyd. Brno, Elportál, 2014. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2014. ISBN 978-80-210-7611-2. URL info
  • OPATŘILOVÁ, Dagmar a Dana ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ. Možnosti speciálně pedagogické podpory u osob s hybným postižením. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2008, 180 s. 4648/Pd-3/08-17/99. ISBN 978-80-210-4575-0. info
  • ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ, Dana, Petr KACHLÍK a Ilka VAĎUROVÁ. Questions about Education of Pupils Suffering from Chronic Disease or Another Grave Illness from The Parents Point of View-International Project TIMSIS. In Řehulka, Evžen et al. Social and Health Aspects of Health Education. 1. vyd. Brno: MSD, s.r.o., 2008, s. 221-239. School and Health 21. ISBN 978-80-7392-043-2. info
  • ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ, Dana, Petr KACHLÍK a Ilka VAĎUROVÁ. Issues of Education of Pupils with Chronic or Other Serious Disorders in Terms of a Teacher-International Project TIMSIS. In ŘEHULKA, Evžen. 2nd Conference School and Health 21. 1. vyd. Brno: Paido, 2007, s. 463-480. ISBN 978-80-7315-138-6. info
  • ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ, Dana a Petr KACHLÍK. Problematika podpory žáků s chronickým či jiným závažným onemocněním. In BARTOŇOVÁ, M., VÍTKOVÁ, M. (Eds.). Přístupy ke vzdělávání žáků se specifickými poruchami učení na základní škole. Sborník z konference s mezinárodní účastí. 1. vyd. Brno: Paido, 2007, s. 696-708, 758 s. ISBN 978-80-7315-150-8. info
  • ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ, Dana. The development of socialisation. In KREGCJK, Konrad. Philosophieren mit Kindern mit und ohne Behinderung. 1. vyd. Munster: Litverlag, 2005. ISBN 3-8258-8409-0. info


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