Application of the theory of planned behavior to fraudulent returning


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ŠKAPA Radoslav

Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Management and administrative
Keywords Return fraud; return policy; behavior; modeling; path analysis
Attached files
Description Proper return policy provides an additional value for customers and therefore it can be a beneficial instrument in business strategy of a company. However, its efficiency is harmed due to the return fraud that increases the total cost for reprocessing of returned products. The article contributes to the discussion of factors that stimulate and discourage the return fraud in the retail by suggesting a model, which is proposed on the basis of the theory of planned behavior. Path analysis was conducted with the data of 207 respondents to test the validity of the model.
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