Materiál pro vyplnění prostoru mezi čepem kořenové nástavby a zubem


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Faculty of Medicine. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Material for filling the space between the root canal post and the tooth.


Year of publication 2012
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description This is a material for filling the space between the root canal post and the tooth (root canal wall), that contains FRC strips with the unidirectional orientation of reinforcing fibers. This material is applied along the prefabricated FRC post. The strips are inserted into the composit cement before its curing. The content of fibers is increased especially in the risk part of the root canal. The FRC strips are cured with the cement simoultanesly. Appart from increasing of mechanical strength of the root canal post also the retention of the core is improved. It is an important innovation in dentistry.
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