Psychologické charakteristiky učitelů ve vztahu k jejich profesi a hodnocení výkonu pedagogické práce

Title in English Psychological characteristics of teachers in relation to their profession and performance evaluation of educational work


Year of publication 2013
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

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Description Paper summarizes the findings of several studies that have been obtained through standardized and non-standardized questionnaires and interviews. Information was obtained from 668 teachers (543 women and 125 men ) primary schools especially South Moravia, who had at least four years of practice and still not reach retirement age. The research was conducted in the academic year 2012/2013. The results show a basically good relationship of teachers to their profession knowing the great importance of this work. Negative assessment of conditions is the teaching profession , from the material conditions to organizational and societal. Negative but vague evaluation is the Czech education system . Czech teachers feel inadequately trained , too overworked, stressed and bad . Neglect the care of the personal development of teachers. All these results are significantly modified by gender, age and length of service of teachers and school location.
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