Vytváření podmínek pro cestu k inkluzivní společnosti a inkluzivnímu vzdělávání s ohledem na jedince se sluchovým postižením

Title in English Creating Conditions for Inclusive Society and Inclusive Education for Individuals with Hearing Loss


Year of publication 2013
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The chapter deals with the presentation of the results from particular researches realized in 2007 – 2013 within the research program of the Faculty of Education (Masaryk University) called „Special needs of pupils in context of RVP ZV“, concentrated on the field of hearing impairment. The main fields of interest are education of people with hearing impairment and successful and full integration of them into the social, practical and professional life. Other fields of interest were possibilities of school and social inclusion with help of some projects and workshops, with the aim to raise the knowledge of the public about the hearing impairment. In the text there are also mentioned actual conditions for education of future teachers of pupils with hearing impairment. At concrete case studies of pupils with hearing impairment at mainstream schools there are presented the examples of positive integration.
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