Počet grafický a graficko-mechanický Václava Lásky a Václava Hrušky

Title in English Gragphical and graphico-mechanical calculus of Václav Láska and Václav Hruška


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 35. mezinárodní konference historie matematiky
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field History
Keywords graphical calculus; Václav Láska; Václav Hruška
Description In the contribution, two Czech representatives of practical mathematics, Václav Láska and Václav Hruška and their plan for a set of textbooks of practical mathematics is introduced. We in particular focus on the methodology of computation with the help of drawing, i.e. graphical and graphico-mechanical calculus, a method that may seem obsolete, but whose close examination brings understanding of the development of practical mathematics.

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