Příprava stimulačně obohacujících aktivit pro nadané děti

Title in English Preparation of stimulation and enrichment activities for gifted children


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Matematické vzdělávání v primární škole - tradice, inovace
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords mathematically talented pupil; teaching mathematics in primary school; nonstandard mathematicak tasks
Description When working with talented pupils, teachers need to have enough material that they could use for the motivation of exceptionally talented pupils and for the development of their talent. In mathematics, these are especially tasks that are not typical, are intellectually demanding, and often cannot be solved by standard methods. In the contribution, we sum up our experiences from the preparation of work sheets for stimulation and enrichment activities for gifted pupils within the framework of the project Masaryk University Centre for talented pupils in the South-Moravian region.

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