Hodnoty dospívajících jedinců s poruchami chování (se zaměřením na specifické poruchy chování)

Title in English Values of adolescents with behavioral disorders (focusing on specific behavioral disorders)


Year of publication 2014
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The text deals with the issue of values individuals with specific behavioral problems in adolescence (ages 10-19 years). The aim of the research was to identify and describe what the distribution of values occurs in individuals with specific behavioral problems. The text is divided into theoretical and practical (research) part. In the theoretical part, we deal with specific behavioral disorders as part of behavioral disorders, as well as personality (and its components), development of individuals in adolescence (ie in puberty and adolescence), values and preferences of values. In the empirical (research) section provides the methodological basis of research, there are also (using Rokeach values test, in a Czech modified version) analyzed preferences of values in the group of adolescents with specific behavioral disorders. These results are compared with the group of adolescents with specific behavioral. At the end of the text are given the possibilities of using Rokeach values test in practice.
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