Projekt Ikspírijens jako cesta k posilování sebevědomí a pozitivního sebepojetí dětí a poruchami chování a dětí s poruchami sluchu

Title in English Ikspírijens project as a way of building self-esteem and positive self-identity of children with behavioural disorder or hearing impairment


Year of publication 2014
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The Chapter presents the main characteristics and implementation of the Project "Ikspírijens without barriers or we can understand each other" which responds to the needs and issues of inclusion of two specific groups of children: children with behaviour disorders and children with hearing impairment. The project provided a physical and symbolic space for cooperation of children of both these groups and gave them the opportunity to use their life experiences for mutual enrichment. The project was focused on the consequences which social disadvantage/physical disability as a specific stigma attribute carries on a symbolic level, and thus affects the nature of social interactions of these children and, by extension, their sense of themselves.
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