Klub moravských skladatelů : 22 let obnovené činnosti

Title in English The Club of Moravian Composers : 22 Years of Renewed Activity


Year of publication 2014
Type Monograph
Description In 1992 in Brno, from the initiative of the composer, musicologist and publicist Pavel Blatný there was re-established the Club of Moravian Composers that intentionally followed the same name association of composers, performers and other important musical personalities founded by Brno’s composers led by Leos Janacek in 1922 and whose activities were stopped in 1948. The monograph comprehensively maps the activity of that renewed Club of Moravian Composers until 2014, focuses on its concert series ("From Janáček until the Present", "The Days of Young Interpreters", "From the Work for the Youth"), Brno Organ Festival, cultural educational activities in the Czech contemporary art music. The publication brings the professional profiles of all 74 members, analysis of the yet issued Club’s discography, memories of its significant personalities. The monograph chronicles the 22 years of Brno’s musical cultural organization that goes beyond the borders of its region.

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