Management and Publishing of Multimedia Dictionary of the Czech Sign Language


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Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, NLDB 2015
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

web Springer Link
Field Informatics
Keywords Dictionary writing system; Sign language; Multimedia dictionary; DEB platform
Description This paper describes the development of a multimedia dictionary writing system for the Czech Sign Language dictionary, prepared in cooperation of several institutions dedicated to the sign language research and study. The presented dictionary system takes the advantage of electronic format and strongly relies on the use of multimedia evidences. The dictionary system has to deal with large amount of video recordings of both a human narrator and digital avatar. Since the dictionary is prepared by several remotely located groups, the dictionary system provides support for complex publishing processes. The dictionary writing system is used in active preparation of the Czech Sign Language dictionary and already serves as a publisher for the dictionary data to the general public.
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