Inspirativní tendence starořeckých tělesných aktivit a idejí jako zdroj řešení problémů současného sportu


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Title in English Inspirational tendencies of ancient Greek physical activities and ideas as a source of resolving the problems of contemporary sport


Year of publication 2015
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The paper compares the ancient physical exercises and contemporary sport in order to find inspirational ideas and trends which could (or should) be taken over and be influenced by, if our sports and sport education are to be elevated to a higher level (not technically in pursue of records, but rather socially). In this article I deal with ancient gymnic agón and its relationship to isonomia and democracy proposing that the origins of these can be traced back to the former as well as the concept of athletes' nudity. Moreover, the ancient Greek areté and agón as well as the approaching Ge/ Gaia and rejection of Heidegger's das Man can be the sources of inspiration for us, too. The acquirement of some of these tendencies may eliminate many problems and defects of modern society, sports and sport education of the youth.
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