Karel IV. – člověk i vladař v didaktizovaných médiích a výuce dějepisu

Title in English Charles IV. – Man and the governor in teaching media and teaching history


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd č. 29/2015/2
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field History
Keywords history teaching; didactics of history; medial education; Charles IV.;
Description Personality of Charles IV. has been since the Middle Ages in the spotlight, which in modern times is called media publicity. We mean especially visual media, whose statements have been addressed to various recipients, but also textbooks and other teaching aids. Accepting the phenomenon of historical culture assumes, however, that such image messages, instead of mere illustrations, become a qualitatively new teaching resource. The present text, after analyzing the development of imaging of this ruler (from Gothic paintings to the feature film, means of payment or stamps), on some examples comments linking of media education and historical education with the aim to develop historical consciousness of a pupil, and his or her media literacy.

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