Dokdy je možné fertilizovat ženu? Parlamentní debata o zákonné úpravě asistované reprodukce

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Title in English Until what Age Can a Woman be Fertilized? A Debate on Legislative Rebulation of Assisted Reproduction in the Czech Parliament


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Gender - rovné příležitosti - výzkum
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Sociology, demography
Keywords legislative gatekeeping in assisted reproduction; age norms for ART; parliamentary debata analysis
Description Assisted reproduction has transferred from being an experimental technique to becoming a part of mainstream reproduction medicine. It has become common and ever more prevalent method of procreation in the 21st century. Barriers of what is and what is not normal in reproduction (and therefore desired, in the foucauldian sense), however, are not bound by the possibilities of medicine; they are rather bound by legislation, public demand, or ethical and religious norms. An effort to redefine the frontiers determined by the legislation in assisted reproduction occurred in the Czech milieu between the years 2008 - 2011. This effort was part of so- called reformation package, which also included the Act on specific medical services that regulates conditions for performing procedures of assisted reproduction. For example, an issue of age barriers for women, in the context of the procedures of assisted reproduction, turned out to be a controversial topic. Age barriers alongside with the issue of availability of assisted reproduction to women without a partner have not been previously clearly defined in the legislation. The main purpose of paper is an analysis of the debate that occurred in the parliament during the proceedings of the Act. The paper will focus particularly on the three following issues: how was nature and normality, in the context of assisted reproduction, discussed; how were these topics related to nature and to society; and how the final Act reflects the position of a woman as an actor of reproduction.
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