Hudební preference mládeže a pedagogická interakce učitele

Title in English Music Preferences of the Youth in the Czech Republic and Pedagogic Interaction of the Teacher


Year of publication 2015
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Music preferences of the youth are usually shaped within certain groups with typical features which distinguish them from other groups. The main factors of socialization are traditionally family and school. Within school attendance, cognitive-social learning is important. One of its parts is observational learning where the behaviour of the individual is influenced by observing a certain model, thus the teacher. The ideal teacher knows how to motivate the pupils and so significantly influence their school success rate and self-confidence in other areas of their personal life. They know how to raise the interest in music and curriculum in the pupils, how to explain the aims of education and clarify the plan of the procedure. They are able to use modern audio-equipment and music software for illustration and better quality of teaching.
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