Filosofie informace - metateoretická analýza pojmu informace a hlavních paradigmat informační vědy


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Philosophy of information - a metatheoretical analysis of the concept of information and main paradigms of information science


Year of publication 2015
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This monograph is mostly linked to the field currently known as philosophy of information (PI). The monograph aims firstly at bringing in certain metatheoretical assumptions which underlie the definitions of information and the paradigms of information science. Secondly, the monograph intends to bring more light into the area of information and the transdisciplinary character of information science. The third goal of the monograph is to suggest an information science approach that is rooted in valid results of metatheoretical researches. Among these researches, three goals are targeted – defining the information in the context of 1) epistemology, 2) metaphysics and 3) creating a domain model that includes the process of information production, all this by means of functional synthesis of three key information science paradigms.
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